Patricia Johnson reports on the Australasian Premiere of The Shiralee
22nd August 1957 - The Film Weekly
“One of the most glittering and spectacular premieres ever staged in Australia was held last Friday night at Scone to herald the Australasian debut of “The Shiralee”... The festivities raised approximately £6000 to aid the Scone War Memorial Pool Appeal. A convoy of seven Austin cars … left Sydney early Friday morning with a continent of MGM, BMC, and press representative. Also in the party was child star of the film, eight-year old Dana Wilson.
… a cocktail party and buffet supper [was] held under a marquee at the Belmore Hotel, complete with lantern lighting and open fires … The procession through the main street which followed was one of the most colourful ever, and could not have been staged in the city with anywhere near the same effect. Local inhabitants entered fully into the mardi gras atmosphere of the night. The Shiralee herself (Dana Wilson) arrived at the theatre in a horse-drawn open carriage…
“The Shiralee” … one of the most heart-warming films yet produced in Australia … commenced at 9.30pm, and practically every seat in Theo Coroneo’s Civic Theatre was sold. A lavish champagne supper-party concluded the festivities and provided a fitting finale to a memorable evening.”
Dianne Chad shares her memories of the premiere:
Envelope containing invitations
Original poster for The Shiralee
The Premiere
The Film Weekly - 22 August 1957
Anna and Theo Coroneo (Theatre Owners) with the young star of The Shiralee, Dana Wilson
The filming of The Shiralee
Binnaway, 1956
Interview with Dianne Chad was conducted on the 5th November 2015 by the author of this website, Aidan Beiboer.
The Shiralee souvenir envelope was provided by Dianne Chad.
The Film Weekly article from the 22nd August 1957 was provided by Paul Brennan.
The photos from the filming of The Shiralee, and the photo of the Coroneos with Dana Wilson, were provided by The Scone and Upper Hunter Historical Society.